Screening av Scientific Festival, Gothenburg
With hundreds of activities and about 70,000 visits, The Science Festival is one of Europe’s leading popular science events and the only one of its kind in Sweden. TWOD was screened followed by a Q&A-session with Professor Ljungqvist, Carl-Johan Sundberg and the film's producer Bjorn Bertoft.
The Science Festival aims to communicate science to schools and the general public in an easily accessible and stimulating way, as well as providing a meeting place for the research community. The goal is to promote a positive attitude to science and research, and to encourage higher study. The theme for the 2013 International Science Festival is particularly topical. It’s about having control – or not. It’s about the importance of knowing, but also about the courage to relinquish control. In April 25-28, you can find out more – about everything that influences your life and everything that you can influence.