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Stasi Police Files in our hands

TWOD has been given access to original stasi police files that were used as key pieces of evidence in the trials for the prosecution and convicition of high level GDR politicians and doctors who subjected teenage athletes to bodily harm (often ending in cancer, heart disease and deformed children) during the "cold war" in the 1970-ies. These documents articulate the name of athletes, the illegal drugs they were given, dosage levels and their physical and emotional response to the drugs. TWOD met and interviewed Dr. Steven Ungerleieder, a research psychologist, award winning author was invited to attend the Berlin doping trials in 1998. He worked with a number of GDR athletes, their attorneys and the the office of the federal prosecutor in Germany to piece together the 25 year coverup of widespread doping by the GDR government and subsequent indictment and conviction of prominent doctors and trainers of the GDR. Dr. Steven Ungerleider: "The stasi documents were the Rosetta Stone. They proved in a court of law and among the olympic family of 205 nations that systematic widespread doping was being perpetrated by unscrupulous doctors comitting bodily harm to young athletes. They proved beyond a reasonalbe doubt that East German athletes were being used as guinea pigs as experimental drugs (illegal and untested substances) were being pumped into their system."

Two of the documents:

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