A team is set and the project takes off
The first research trip was made by following Professor Arne Ljungqvist to the WADA headquarter in Montreal, Canada. A documentary team was recently formed and the Swedish production company Matiné Film & Television given the assignment to produce the film. The team consists of Director Mats Omne, Producer Bjorn Bertoft and Head of Photography Torbjorn Allard. A team which has been working in several independent film projects since 1991.
See the "Vision Statement" Matiné was established in 1991 and has produced customer ordered films, commercials and documentaries as well as a global art project "CitySigns" distributed as a documentary film by Swedish Television in Sweden and Europe. Matiné was the first scandinavian production company to sign a distribution agreement with Paramount Pictures, the documentary triology Cognac, Whiskey and Rhum.